Ones behavior, mannerism, with respect to a certain situation, and culture can be termed as Etiquette.
In the present generation with the vast development of various facets of lifestyle, technology and education, one would like to update ones skills and knowledge in communication and networking defining a business impression through understanding and practicing the right etiquettes, here are some insights on the various etiquettes that could be used in our day to day routine and the final touch that everyone needs.
Corporate Etiquette – Important to create a defining business impression, At work while performance is significant, etiquette is a requisite to ones career growth, basic etiquette to be followed :· Personal Hygiene
· Dress Code
· Handshake
· Telephone etiquette
· Email etiquette
· Dining etiquette
Social Etiquette – Emphasizing on the cultural etiquette of a region, which would include mannerism, dress code, and protocol to be followed in social gathering to create a positive impression, and create an aura of knowing the nuances of a globally excepted trend.
Dining Etiquette – It is important for one to know the correct dining etiquette so as to present ones self in a classy and dignified manner during a meal. A little knowhow about the table setting, greeting, seating, beverage list which would include alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages, Understanding wines, order of food, use of cutlery and service ware and more would increase confidence in ones self and have a great dining experience.
Telephone Etiquette – While you speak on the phone your actually presenting your self and portraying your character indirectly, as the listener may interpret your body language, tone of voice, vocabulary used. A telephone conversation may be your first interaction for a business to create a lasting impression one needs to polish and refresh telephone etiquettes.
Now that we are convinced etiquette is the key to image enhancing and giving that finishing touch to develop ones personality lets practice and educate the same, stay tuned further to get into the details of Etiquette.